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The Invitation to Become a Leader
Debating|Public Speaking|Leadership
AEBS Academy

AEBS Academyは台北、台中、東京の学生に向けて行われるアカデミックプログラムで、ハーバード大学の卒業生を講師として招いています。アジアの学生のスキルを伸ばし、英語圏でも活躍できるよう、パブリックスピーキング、リーダーシップ、ディベートという3種類のプログラムが用意されています。
The world is currently entering the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, an era that emphasizes artificial intelligence, robotics, big data, digital economy and others. Learning in the 21st century reflects the four learning objectives (4C) that refer to the part of learning to do namely creative, critical thinking, collaboration and communication education. AEBS Academy provides programs designed and taught by alumni from Harvard University to empower students across Asia to face challenges of globalization and digital transformation.
Program Information
Taiwan Online Programs
Global Online Programs


Partner Organizations


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