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Asia Elite Business Scholars

Asia Elite Business Scholarsは、アジアのトップ大学の学生を繋ぎ、文化交流を促進する目的で2013年に設立された国際NPO団体です。


AEBSはアジアに6つの支部を持っており、My Global FriendsとAEBS Academyという2つのプログラムを立ち上げ、それぞれの支部で様々な学生に向けて提供しています。これらのプログラムは、学生の国際的視野を高めることを主な目的としています。

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Asia Elite Business Scholars is an international non for profit organization established in 2013 aimed at connecting students from top Asian universities and encouraging cultural exchange. 


AEBS has 6 branches across Asia while we have developed two brands : My Global Friends & AEBS Academy to hold various programs for different groups of students, with the objective of these programs to promote international mindedness.



Global Exchange Program History

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1st Global Exchange Program in Tokyo

February 21, 2014

Topic: The Future Prospects of Asia

Participants: 28 student scholars



Rakuten co.

Voyage Group

The University of Tokyo

Roppongi Hills Private club

17th Global Exchange

17th Global Exchange

@National University of Singapore

16th Global Exchange

16th Global Exchange

@National Taiwan University Online

15th Global Exchange

15th Global Exchange

@Fudan University Online

14th Global Exchange

14th Global Exchange

@University of Tokyo Online

12th Global Exchange

12th Global Exchange

@Peking University

11th Global Exchange

11th Global Exchange

@National University of Singapore

10th Global Exchange

10th Global Exchange

@Seoul National University

9th Global Exchange

9th Global Exchange

@University of Tokyo

8th Global Exchange

8th Global Exchange

@National Taiwan University

7th Global Exchange

7th Global Exchange

@ Fudan University

6th Global Exchange

6th Global Exchange

@Seoul National University

5th Global Exchange

5th Global Exchange

@National University of Singapore

4th Global Exchange

4th Global Exchange

@Kyoto University

3rd Global Exchange

3rd Global Exchange

@Peking University

2nd Global Exchange

2nd Global Exchange

@National Taiwan University

1st Global Exchange

1st Global Exchange

@University of Tokyo


My Global Friends


My Global Friendsでは、学生にとって世界の一流大学を訪れるとても良い機会を提供します。現地の一流大学の学生と一緒に、現地の文化や地域について知ることができます。唯一無二の、忘れることのない思い出を作ることができるでしょう。

My Global Friends programs are the best opportunity for students to visit top universities in the world. Local students from top universities will assist participants to understand the local culture and explore the city together while creating unique experiences and everlasting memories!

  1. USA
  2. UT
  3. SNU
  4. NUS

AEBS Academy

  1. Academy
  2. Public Speaking
  3. Leadership
  4. Debating
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AEBS Academyは台北、台中、東京の学生に向けて行われるアカデミックプログラムで、ハーバード大学の卒業生を講師として招いています。アジアの学生のスキルを伸ばし、英語圏でも活躍できるよう、パブリックスピーキング、リーダーシップ、ディベートという3種類のプログラムが用意されています。

AEBS Academy provides three academic programs designed and taught by alumni from Harvard University to empower education in Taipei, Taichung and Tokyo. The Public Speaking, Leadership and Debating programs are specially designed for students in Asia to strengthen their skills and prepare for further education in English speaking countries.  

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